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2019 Tournament Season

Posted by support on October 16, 2018


Wow, what a year it’s been in the professional fishing world. With MLF coming out with their new exciting tour, B.A.S.S making some overdue changes and FLW changing a few things it’s been quite the interesting year in bass fishing. Some guys are leaving the organization they have been fishing with for many years and others staying put. Lots of new choices and much more stressful decisions all these pro anglers have had to make for the 2019 season.x.JPG


It’s not just the tour level guys that have tough decisions to make for 2019. With competitive bass fishing growing more and more each year, there are lots of fishing options for everyone. Each organization offers so many different levels from FLW’s BFL divisions and Costa Series, B.A.S.S Opens format to the American Bass Anglers just to name a few. But, just like everything else there is cost involved with all. Each angler has to take time each preseason to decide what events to fish then make travel arrangements, pay deposits, finalize sponsor deals, schedule time off of work, tackle prep, and let’s not forget boat and tow vehicle maintenance. It’s a seasonal battle that most anglers must face and deal with every year.  Last year I decided to fish the B.A.S.S Eastern Opens, but at the last minute I lost a main sponsor which forced me to get my deposits back and not be able to fish them. It’s something that none of us want to do, but it happens more often than not.

As for me this year I decided to fish the American Bass Anglers Open Series, Bass Thugs Team Trail, Orlando Bass Club and some local/Regional events. I have spent a lot of time the past month bouncing back and forth on the FLW Costa and B.A.S.S Opens series, but with the expenses involved and time off work required it just wasn’t the right decision for me to make in 2019. This should also give me some extra time to do more events promoting all the great companies that I have the blessing of working with. I wish everyone well in making their decisions for the 2019 and hope to see you all on the water soon.